The Power of Reflection
Our latest book (published in May 2022):
Overview of the book
This book, which connects research and practice in the area of teacher development, shows how (student) teachers can learn from practical experiences in a systematic and inspiring way. It provides practical models and guidelines for reflection. It outlines various levels of reflection and shows how a deeper form of reflection, called core reflection, enhances awareness of professional identity and mission, and helps to overcome inner obstacles. This is particularly important for enhancing social justice and empowering a diverse student population.
With many examples and exercises, the latest insights into reflection are brought to life. The book describes a variety of instruments and working structures that have been shown to be effective for professional growth. It also discusses how a trajectory for reflection can be designed in which (student) teachers develop the reflection competence and become motivated for self-directed professional growth. The book also discusses the roles of university-based and school-based teacher educators in supporting reflection in (student) teachers.
This unique book fills a gap by bringing clarity into an area where many practitioners are struggling to enact the promises of professional reflection. It inspires a fresh look at reflection, showing new directions for teacher education and professional development.
Target groups
The power of reflection is a handbook for students in teacher education, beginning and experienced teachers, teacher educators, trainers, and practitioners collaborating in professional learning communities. The book is also relevant for educators in other fields, for example in health care or social work, as reflection is central to everyone working in the helping professions.
Front matter of the book
Contents and preface
Figures, diagrams, and work structures
The book contains many figures, diagrams, and work structures for promoting reflection in individual and in groups. The most important materials can be downloaded here:
Figure 2.1: The ALACT model for reflection with three key questions
Figure 2.4: Linking reflection with a professional framework
Figure 5.1: The onion model
Figure 5.3: The model for core reflection
Figure 7.2: The intermediate model for reflection (the ALACT model expanded with elements of core reflection)
Diagram 1: The nine boxes, with questions that help with step 2 of the reflection
Diagram 2: Twelve reflection questions for an extensive reflection
Structure 1: Working in a reflective peer group
Structure 3: Case discussion in a group
Structure 5: The wall
Structure 6: De repertory grid
Structure 8: Contrast analysis
Structure 9: Walking along the onion layers
References from the book
The book provides many references for readers who wish to further explore certain themes. Some of these references refer to previous publications of the authors of the book. Most of these publications can be downloaded here.
Other books by Fred Korthagen and his colleagues
For more information on other books by Fred Korthagen and his colleagues can be found here.
Courses and workshops on (Core) reflection
Face-to-face and online courses and workshops on reflection and Core reflection have been given all over the world, most recently in the Spring of 2021 for teacher educators in California. If you are interested in a workshop or course for your team of teacher educators or mentor teachers, please contact Fred Korthagen.
Learn from this video what the participants took from a five-day course in Ashland, Oregon:
Book info
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Korthagen, F. & Nuijten, E. (2022). The power of reflection in teacher education and professional development: Strategies for in-depth teacher learning. New York: Routledge.
ISBN 978-1-03-211770-6
Books on core reflection:
Korthagen, F.A.J., Kim, Y.M., & Greene, W.L. (Eds.) (2013). Teaching and Learning from Within: A Core Reflection Approach to Quality and Inspiration in Education. New York/London: Routledge.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Core reflection - A Focus on the Human Potential (pdf)
Evelein, F. G. & Korthagen, F. A. J. (2015). Practicing core reflection: Activities and lessons for teaching and learning from within. New York/London: Routledge.